Bitch flushed her dignity down the toilet years ago
Pisswhore wanted to show everyone how well she serves her purpose
u3010 u30aa u30ca u30cb u30fc u30fb u81ea u64ae u308a u3011 u5168 u88f8 u3067 u304a u307e u3093 u3053 u6fe1 u3089 u3057 u30aa u30ca u30cb u30fc u3059 u308b u4eba u59bb uff5e u4eba u59bb u30fb u5de8 u4e73 u30fb u30d1 u30a4 u30d1 u30f3 u30fb u30aa u30ca u30cb u30fc u30fb u7d20 u4eba
Me masturbo en la calle por la noche I masturbate on the street at night